Vira is a women's wellness destination that provides inclusive sexual education and intimate health essentials for all bodies.

Our philosophy of clean ingredients, body knowledge, and transparency.

Meet The Founder, Pear

I believe in the power of making people feel seen. What moves me dearly is how unfairly women suffer from a lack of information about their bodies and how we as a society have accepted this as normal. My experience at a San Francisco-based fertility startup, kegg, led me to learn the fertility awareness method (FAM) and grow a hardware consumer product. After kegg, I joined fermata to launch Singapore's first femtech marketplace.

As a public health researcher and women’s health advocate, I started Vira with a goal of closing the education gap between Thai women and their bodies. I hope Vira can be a space for you to find helpful information, honest conversations, and life-changing products — as they were for me.


We are built on a philosophy of clean ingredients, body knowledge, and transparency.


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Introducing our partners and collaborators.


Veto means to refuse a decision or proposal made by the law. Until our system enforces tougher restrictions on toxins that are linked to health and environmental issues, Vira has made a commitment to raising the bar on safety, sustainability, and transparency.

These ingredients on the Veto List are *not* found in the products we offer at Vira. We believe in telling the truth and the right to know what you put on and in your body. So, we have set a clean standard for female health products in Thailand; that way, you can feel good, for your present and future self.
Explore the List


Resource for the awakening woman. Find inclusive sex education and advice from health experts from Clinical Sexologists to OB/GYNs to your local Mor Tum Yae. Wake up your body, mind, and the world around you.
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